# Program commands # Dataset : # see all files in http://rssf.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/suppl_data/Targetbench # sRNA : coli_sRNA_v5.fa # mRNA : NC_000913_CDS_-200nt_100nt.fa # True targets (102 pairs): coli_targetpairs_V5.tsv # ============================================================================ # TargetRNA2 (online version at http://cs.wellesley.edu/~btjaden/TargetRNA2/advanced.html) # Authors : Brian Tjaden (btjaden@wellesley.edu) # (btjaden@wellesley.edu) # Parameters : # Replicon name : Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 # sRNA conservation and accessibiliy : on # NTs upstream : 200 # NTs downstream : 100 # Hybridization seed : 7 # NTs in interaction region : 20 # mRNA structural accessibility : on # P-value threshold : 1 # Filter size : 5000 # ============================================================================ # RNAplex (Version : 0.2) # Authors : Tafer H, Hofacker IL # [ivo@tbi.univie.ac.at] # Accessibility computed with RNAplfold (V1.8) RNAplfold -u 45 -O < coli_sRNA_v5.fa RNAplfold -W 240 -L 160 -u 45 -O < NC_000913_CDS_-200nt_100nt.fa # Command line : RNAplex -t NC_000913_CDS_-200nt_100nt.fa -q coli_sRNA_v5.fa -l 40 -z 20 -a ./access/ > results_targetRNA.txt # ============================================================================ # IntaRNA (Version : IntaRNAa) # Authors : Anke Busch, Andreas S. Richter, and Rolf Backofen # [backofen@informatik.uni-freiburg.de] # Command line : IntaRNA -m coli_sRNA_v5.fa -t NC_000913_CDS_-200nt_100nt.fa -o -p 7 -s 0 > IntaRNA_results.txt # ============================================================================ # CopraRNA V1.2.7 (online version at http://rna.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/CopraRNA/Input.jsp) # Authors : Patrick R. Wright, Andreas S. Richter, Kai Papenfort, Martin Mann, Jörg Vogel, Wolfgang R. Hess, Rolf Backofen and Jens Georg # [jens.georg@biologie.uni-freiburg.de] [backofen@informatik.uni-freiburg.de] # sRNA alignments : # - when possible we use precomputed results (ArcZ, ChiX, CyaR, DsrA, FnrS, GcvB, GlmZ, MicA, MicC, MicF, OmrA, OmrB, OxyS, RprA, RybB, RyhB, SgrS, Spot42 ) # - IstR : align_IstR.fa # - RseX : align_RseX.fa # - RydC : align_RydC.fa # - McaS : not enough sequences found # Other parameters : # organism of interest : NC_000913 (Escherichia coli K 12 substr MG1655 uid57779) # Extract sequences around: start codon # nt up : 200 # nt down : 100 # ============================================================================ # In case one also wants to try Risearch: # RIsearch (Version : 1.0) # Authors : Wenzel A (wenzel@rth.dk), Akbasli E, Gorodkin J # [gorodkin@rth.dk] # Command line : RIsearch -q coli_sRNA_v5.fa -t NC_000913_CDS_-200nt_100nt.fa -d 30 > Risearch_results.txt